“Hot, Rich & Green: A secret formula for women” with author Rebecca Harrell Tickell – show 13

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day! And we’ll be giving away all those fabulous prizes and announcing the winners right here on our website. So make sure you put your answer to this answer in our comment box: “What does it mean to be a woman of green?” Your answer will automatically put you in the drawing for many prizes which I will be announcing next week. Isn’t that cool?

For our special Earth Day show today, I couldn’t resist having on Rebecca Harrell Tickell. She’s written a book called “Hot, Rich & Green: The Secret Formula women are Using to Get Rich and Save the Planet.”  The whole book highlights women in green business. The lessons in it come directly from actual successes and failures of women who have lived the formulas. Rebecca’s energy is contagious. And wait to you hear what she says about women and money. If you have any issues in the arena, watch them fly out the window.

About my guest: Rebecca Harrell Tickell has dedicated her career to the advancement of women in green businesses. She specializes in providing women with tactics in order to profit from their passion for helping their communities and the planet. She has worked with hundreds of women who, collectively, comprise a substantial portion of the “green movement” – from CEO’s of major nonprofit corporations, to women who are designing new eco-friendly products, and to women who are fundamentally shifting the way corporations think and work within the environment.

Her new book, “Hot, Rich & Green!: The Secret Formula Women are Using to Get Rich and Save the Planet,”  gives a fresh perspective on the role women are playing in reshaping the environmental movement. This book teaches the formulas to create and financially succeed from businesses in the green space.

Rebecca’s favorite links:



A Big Shout Out to my guest last week, Esmerelda Kent, for sharing with us what it means to her to be a woman of green:

“For myself, being a WOG means being an authentic “human being” as close to our natural indigenous state as possible in how we give birth, what we eat, what we wear, how we live and how we die – leaving no waste and no trace.”

What about you?

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