Is compassion the key to a truly greener world? An intelligent conversation with Dr. Renee Lertzman – Show 46

We know plastic water bottles are overwhelming our landfills and severely clogging mother earth’s pores, yet we mindlessly grab a bottle when offered. We know pesticide-free apples are way better for us, but still we eat the heavily sprayed ones. Here’s the dilemma: We say want green products and healthy foods, but we don’t back up our words with actions. The very actions, Dr. Renee Lertzman says, “…we know from an ecological, economic, political and spiritual standpoint would do us all a lot of good.” So what’s holding us back? Why are we talking the talk, but not walking the walk?

Renee has some answers. She’s a writer, researcher and communications consultant focusing specifically on the psychological dimensions of sustainability. Her article “The Myth of Apathy” laid out some concrete truths and insights into this dilemma, so I invited her on Women Of Green to share those with me. What I uncovered is a fresh, new perspective on what it means to be green and how to engage the mainstream consumer in really caring about the environment. A very cool interview so listen in!

About my guest: Dr. Renee Lertzman provides practical and professional guidance on sustainability communications, public engagement, and outreach strategies. Through consultations, presentations, and the development of written materials and online resources, Dr. Lertzman helps companies, organizations, and individuals incorporate psychodynamic and psychosocial dimensions into the planning, design and implementation of communications initiatives.

Renee Lertzman’s work supports both private and public entities seeking to better understand the dynamics of behavioral change and responsiveness to sustainable practices, and speaks directly to issues of ‘traction’ by drawing attention to emotional, psychodynamic dimensions of sustainable initiatives. Her unique approach invites us to reframe conceptions of public outreach and engagement.


Mind the “Gap”

The Myth of Apathy

Be the Change:  We have just launched a new column on called “Be the Change”.  And it features you! How are you being the change we need in the world? No act is too small. No movement is too minor.  Show us!  Inspire Us! Let us know!

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  1. Where is the link to the audio?

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