Green Is For Every Business

Green is Not Just for Green Business Anymore

Oh Marketing Whiz Who is Always Hungry to Learn More!

Back in 2013, The Santa Fe Reporter interviewed me and at the very end I was asked: “any final wisdom?” My last words were, “My hope is that someday we don’t even have to use the word ‘green’—it’s just the way it is.”

It’s been 12 years now that my company, Mind Over Markets, has been dedicated to helping green and socially-focused companies, organizations, and entrepreneurs take their products and services to the next level. It’s what we believe in, what we are passionate about. When we put that stake in the ground, we never looked back (even though back then “green” was used with caution in marketing because of its tree-hugger status and political connotations).

Well, those days are gone.

This week, the Shelton Group released a study on the effectiveness of eco buzzwords like “green,” “eco-friendly,” “sustainable,” “recyclable,” “renewable,” “low carbon footprint,” and more. The results happily report that green has gone from “niche appeal” to “baseline expectation.”

For instance, 65% of the 2,000 plus respondents said that “green was considered desirable.” And it really doesn’t matter what side of the fence you are on because 67% of them were Democrats and 62% were Republicans. Statistically insignificant.

What this really means is
green is for every business,
not just green business. 

Green is quickly and steadily becoming “just the way it is” like I hoped it would. So what is your business or organization doing to be desirable, relevant, and useful in your competitive environment? Did you get your green on? And if you did, how meaningfully different are you? What story are you telling so you are really heard?

We can help.
Get a free 30 minute laser-focus session for your brand.

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