I went to the Santa Fe Farmers Market and asked shoppers what they thought about the Dalai Lama’s bold statement, “The world will be saved by the western women.” This show is a montage of responses from both women and men. I wonder what would happen if I asked this around the country? What would women say in Boston? What would the men say in Lexington, Kentucky? In Boise, Detroit, Amarillo?
Where are you from? What do you think? Go ahead and put your response and city location in the comment box below to: Can western women save the world? I would love to hear from women and men from sea to shining sea. If you want my take on the subject, read on.
Hi Carolyn,
I would expand it to all women – not just western women.
I agree that we have a lot of power in the marketplace and that is exactly why I founded Zola Goods. Zola Coordinators educate individuals about small changes they can make to improve their lives and the environment and then makes it easy for people to shift their habits.
There is a tremendous amount of power in our awakening. It may start with something small, like buying organic fruits, but it almost always evolves into continued compassionate actions in the world.
Thank you Beth. You’re right, it’s all women. But the Dalai Lama’s reference to western women made me ponder. Perhaps its the economic power and freedom western women enjoy. But like a great viral social media campaign, our influence collectively will be what catches the world on fire. Maybe we’re the spark for the greater flame. Thanks for being a light Beth with all the great work you are doing in the world.