About us

Women Of Green. Turn Up the Volume.

Carolyn Parrs, Women Of Green FounderCarolyn Parrs, founder of Women Of Green

Women Of Green began as a persistent urging by Carolyn Parrs to harness the collective power of women to create positive, dramatic and impactful changes in our communities and world. But how? As a long-time communicator, Carolyn did what she knew best, to communicate, first through her own podcast, and then by inviting other women and leaders to do the same. That’s why “Turn Up the Volume” is our mantra and motto on Women Of Green.

Today, Women Of Green is a community, multi-media blog and news source located in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico celebrating the many women who are leading the way in sustainability and social justice. You’ll be hearing from authors and artists, chefs and lawyers, activists, journalists, policy makers and social entrepreneurs. These women are here to make a difference and use their voices and talents to create meaningful change on behalf of the planet and future generations.

We recognize the importance of UN sponsored campaigns to end domestic violence just as we recognize the pressing need for western women to lead the way in the conscious reduction of waste and wise consumption. We believe that the green movement has much to learn from social justice (and vice versa), that scientific discoveries can be metaphors for community revitalization, and that personal stories from local mothers have every right to exist alongside larger stories of business and environmental law.

Our interests at Women Of Green are broad, but the unifying thread of our focus is the importance of integrating and highlighting women’s ideas, dreams and designs. We hope you feel inspired to share your voice here.

Read more about Women Of Green founder, Carolyn Parrs.

Marka Lewis, Content Manager

marka_lewisMarka’s expertise in new media and event/performance production has developed into a career in outreach for the arts and the conscious/green living movement. Her experience includes graphic design, web design, writing, publicity, social media, arts non-profit management, gallery management, artist and stage management, and curator for art exhibitions.

Promoting writers, dancers, musicians, artists, teachers, scientists, and entrepreneurs since the early 1990s, she has produced and co-produced heart-centered and mind-opening publications, websites, and events from Hawaii to New Mexico.

Being raised in a Zen-Quaker family of artists, educators, and social activists in rural New York State, Vermont, and Eastern Canada instilled in her a deep connection to nature and the honoring of the seasons for inner sustenance, creative inspiration, and purpose.



Our Contributing Writers

Jill EttingerJill Ettinger
Jill Ettinger is the senior editor and featured columnist on EcoSalon and sister-site Organic Authority She is the co-director of Eat Drink Better, and editor for NaturallySavvy. Jill has been featured in The Village Voice, MTV, Reality Sandwich, and Global Rhythm, as well as the anthologies Towards 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age (Tarcher/Penguin) and What Do You Believe? (Outside the Box). Jill spent more than a decade as a sales and marketing manager in the natural foods industry and regularly consults with emerging brands and organizations in creative communication, social media and marketing strategies. A focus on food, wellness, fashion, music and world cultural expressions, Jill blends the mystical and modern as she explores what our shifting food, fashion, culture and creative landscapes will look, sound and taste like in the future. For more info, visit www.jillettinger.com. And stay in touch with Jill on Twitter and Instagram.



Teo SpenglerTeo Spengler
Living in France and Northern California, Teo Spengler is an attorney, novelist and writer, deeply committed to the environmental movement. Spengler holds a Master of Arts in creative writing from San Francisco State University and a Juris Doctor from UC Berkeley. She is currently a candidate for a Master of Fine Arts in fiction. She writes for Demand Media and EHow in the areas of legal advise, travel, exploring nature, and gardening.





Melissa C WaldronMelissa Waldron
Melissa Charity Waldron is an award-winning former TV/radio producer of 20+ years, international best-selling author and sustainable food advocate. She is the founder of Red Hot Now, where soul purpose meets business strategy and online visibility. Melissa is on a mission to merge spirituality with business so that Spirit Conscious Entrepreneurs can unleash their potential and get seen, heard and valued for the gifts they bring to the world. You can find out more at RedHotNow.com and connect with Melissa on Facebook and Twitter.





Lisa SharpLisa Sharp

Lisa Sharp is the face behind Retro Housewife Goes Green. She’s a wife, homemaker, activist, and freelance writer. Lisa lives in a small town in Oklahoma and is working to bring more green to Oklahoma. She serves on the board for the local recycling coalition, and is active within the community. Lisa also is the founder and editor-in-chief of the website Green Oklahoma, a green resource, news and events site.