Frack attack

From Huffington Post via Women Of Green

WASHINGTON — Natural gas drillers would be required to disclose the chemicals they use in hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” on public lands, according to draft rules created by the Department of Interior. The proposed regulations would also force companies to report the amount of any given chemical injected during the fracking process.

The move for increased regulation comes after President Barack Obama touted his commitment to expanding natural gas production while ensuring the drilling is done responsibly. “My administration will take every possible action to safely develop this energy,” he said during his State of the Union address last month. Fracking, which involves the high-pressure injection of undisclosed chemicals into rocks containing oil or natural gas, has drawn increasing scrutiny from environmentalists who suggest the process contaminates groundwater and destroys ecosystems.

Under the proposed regulations, companies would be required to reveal the “complete chemical makeup of all materials used,” according to a copy of the rules obtained by The Huffington Post. But environmentalists have noted that, while the regulations offer some “good elements,” the rules still offer companies considerable protections for “trade secrets,” an exemption some worry could negate the rule.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has said regulations will also cover well-bore integrity and regulation of flowback waters (the fluids that rise to the surface after hydraulic fracturing operations are complete). Further, reports detailing the ingredients used in the fracking fluids and a fluid treatment plan must be submitted 30 days before operations begin at any proposed well.

Interior spokesman Adam Fetcher elaborated in a statement.

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Winning Environmental Government Contracts – show 8

One of the most powerful ways to have a huge, positive impact on our planet today is through business. Paul Hawken, one of my favorite visionaries says, “Business is the only mechanism on the planet today powerful enough to produce the changes necessary to reverse environmental and social degradation.” With that in mind, I invited Judy Bradt, an expert on assisting business people, especially women, effectively win environmental business contracts from the US government. Did you know that 5% of all goverment contracts are earmarked for women business owners? But, each year only 3% are ever awarded. Judy wants to change that and tells us how on Women Of Green.

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