Women’s History Month: 11 Female-Empowering Movies

women empowerment movies

March is Women’s History Month, so now would be a great time to watch these 11 films that celebrate and encourage women and are available on Netflix. (Please note: you’re welcome to watch movies about women the rest of the year too!) “Princess Cyd” Wolfe Video ‘Princess Cyd’ (2017) Metacritic score: 71 “Princess Cyd” completely knocked my socks off. The premise is simple: Cyd, a 16-year-old girl, spends a few weeks visiting her aunt in Chicago. I usually mitigate my expectations for performances in low-budget independent films, but “Princess Cyd” features some of the most realistic portrayals of women I’ve ever seen on screen. The dialogue perfectly captures the way my own family members might speak to one another, and there’s nothing self-serving about the film. It merely champions, quite successfully, the importance of positive female role models in a young woman’s life. ‘Moana’ (2016) Metacritic score: 81 The tide has turned, so to speak. Instead of the helpless “rescued by a prince” princesses of yesteryear, Disney has made a sincere effort in the last decade to tell stories that will inspire young girls to be strong and independent. Moana plays a Polynesian teenager who sets out on an oceanic mission to […]

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