Kids vs Global Warming – show 23

Move over Al Gore, here comes Alec Loorz. My first (and not last) guy on Women Of Green. At the age of 12, Alec founded Kids vs Global Warming after watching Al Gore’s movie, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Feeling the weight of the global situation and a sense that he could make a difference, Alec felt compelled to tell other kids about the problems we are facing and created a presentation made specifically for youth, full of videos, animation, easy-to-understand science, and compelling motivation for youths from Kindergarten to college age.

When I grabbed Alec in the hallway at the LOHAS Forum for an interview, he was oozing with enthusiasm. No wonder, he just had a standing ovation at the forum. I knew I had to grab him fast before he was swallowed up by the crowd. (This is where being 6 feet tall really helps). Alec’s message is deeply rooted in hope, encouraging kids to speak up and let their voices be heard on this issue. He also has a big message for mommies. So women, listen up. Out of the mouths and hearts of babes perhaps we’ll change the course we’re on. If it’s up to Alec, it’s a done deal.

About my guest: Alec Loorz is one of the leading voices in the US on the issue of climate change, calling the “ruling generation” to consider the needs of his and future generations in their actions. Now 15 years old, Alec has been a climate change activist for 3 years and spoken to over 20,000 people in over 100 presentations and keynotes throughout the country. Alec inspires youth to get involved in bringing about change in their families, their schools and their communities. Currently the youngest trained presenter of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth presentation, Alec founded his own non-profit called Kids vs Global Warming when he was 13. Their mission is to inspire youth to lead the way to a sustainable and just society.

A Big Thank You to Ted Ning and Mia Herron for helping us bring you the last 4 shows. All of them were recorded at the LOHAS Forum in Boulder, Colorado. Make sure you put on it on your calendar for next spring. I’ll see you there!    

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