GOP Budget Cuts Place Food Safety In Danger

Food safety, family planning, cancer research, and low-income housing—now add the Special Olympics to the long list of organizations and federal programs targeted for major funding cuts by congressional Republicans.

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Organic Raps to Get Everyone Eating It

The CEO of Stonyfield Farms (the mega-organic yogurt producer) has long been a model of a man dedicated to presenting a product with value all the way along the chain from the animals to the farmers to the consumers. He raps below in an awkward and heartfelt plea to get out the facts. Check it out!

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Erin Brockovich Is Back and She’s Not Going To Take It Anymore!

Erin Brockovich has returned to the town that made her famous and is once again rallying residents, sampling the water and at a water board meeting this week is expected to announce that the contamination may be worse than the utility says, reports Huffington Post. The pollution that Pacific Gas & Electric was suppose to clean up is once again seeping into the groundwater of Hinkley, CA. “We didn’t bring a giant to its knees, all we did was wake it up,” says Roberta Walker, a woman who was instrumental in developing the original case in 1993. “This is not happening again – I can’t believe it.” Julia, where are you?

Let’s raise our voices this time with Erin and see what happens and follow the story here.

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Washington DC Says Women are Essential in the Green Economy

Straight out of Washington DC, here are the remarks attributed to Lawrence J. Gumbiner, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs.

“Women and youth are essential agents of change in society, and we believe they are particularly important in the context of the green economy. There are a number of ways in which educational opportunities, technical training, access to finance, and land and resource rights can enhance women’s roles in a green economy.” Tell us more Mr. Gumbiner. What exactly do you have in mind?

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Anti-Choice Bill Dead in Senate But Not In States

The Senate on Wednesday rejected a bill to defund Planned Parenthood that had energized protests across the country. But at the state level, a steady anti-choice push continues, with Minnesota lawmakers proposing the latest bill.

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Common Traps on Your Spiritual Journey by Elizabeth Lesser

Walking the spiritual path can be a tricky adventure. Sometimes we make progress and become more free and loving and wise; sometimes we may think our meditation or prayer or ritual is leading toward enlightenment, but really we’re just treading water or even going backwards. The great Tibetan meditation teacher, Chogyam Trunpa, wrote that we are often “deceiving ourselves into thinking we are developing spiritually when instead we are strengthening our egocentricity through spiritual techniques.” He called this kind of self-deception spiritual materialism. We all deal with spiritual materialism; here’s a list from my book of common traps you may encounter on your spiritual journey.

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A Feminine Response to Iceland’s Financial Crash

Halla Tomasdotti is the co-founder and chairman of Audur Capital, an Investment firm focused on putting feminine values into finance. Halla was previously the Managing Director of the Iceland Chamber of Commerce. She was a key member of the foundation of Reykjavik University as a founder and director for executive education and women entrepreneurship as well as an assistant professor and board member.

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Cast Your Vote Here For the She-ro of the Year!

This year is the 100-year anniversary of International Women’s Day. It’s a time to celebrate women and how far we’ve come, baby. From female presidents to humanitarians to Nobel Prize laureates, the world is full of women that have soared and roared and paved the way for every one of us, every day.

The Huffington Post World team has put together an enlightening slide show of some the she-roes of our time. I was personally moved by these women who move the world. Cast your vote for the most inspiring woman for you here.

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Businesswomen Pushing the Green Agenda in China

China and the US are not only the largest economies in the world (US is #1, China #2), but they also consume vast amounts of energy. The good news is that women-owned businesses are the fastest growing segments in both economies! So it’s no surprise that women are taking a leadership role in promoting sustainability. In this post, “How Businesswomen are Helping China Push Its Green Agenda”, Ann Goodman, executive director of the Women’s Network for a Sustainable Future tells how women’s ambitions for a global green economy were on view at the annual conference of the China Association of Women Entrepreneurs and what they are doing about it.

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Why Democracy Only Works When People Are In Charge with Annie Leonard

Our mantra at Women Of Green is that 85% of all consumer purchases are made by women. That makes for an awful lot of weight if we can direct it responsibly. In her new Story Of Stuff video, Annie points out that 85% of Americans think that corporations have too much influence in our democracy. Do you?

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