Lead Like a Girl: How to Empower Women at Every Level

What does it mean to do something “like a girl”?

A popular ad from Always tried to answer that question by asking subjects to demonstrate running, fighting, and throwing “like a girl.” Older subjects put on a weak performance, but when young girls were given the same instructions, they ran, threw, and fought as hard as they could. The ad asked, “When did doing something ‘like a girl’ become an insult?”

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4 Amazing Free Webinars to Up Your Game!


Game changers never stop upping their game. They’ve got a vision. A mission. And they ain’t stopping. Does that sound like you? If it does, Devi Records and the Founder of Women of Green, Carolyn Parrs, put together four potent webinars from women game changers we know and love that are rocking it out of the park and want to help you do the same. So Up Your Game with us for our Super Summer Series.

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A Day Without A Woman: A Look at Intersectionality


Within progressive circles, there is much debate about the women’s strike that was part of “A Day Without a Woman,” a nationwide protest held on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2017. In this video, made on the day of the event, Lisa Blair discusses the strike through the lens of intersectionality, recognizing the multifaceted identities of women and our diverse needs and challenges stemming from other intersecting forms of oppression. Lisa Blair is a process-oriented psychotherapist, interdisciplinary artist and fine art photographer, activist and feminist focused on intersectionality.

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They Serve Bagels in Heaven: A Story of Love, Eternity, and the Cosmic Importance of Everyday Life


Irene Weinberg is the author of They Serve Bagels in Heaven, a 5-star rated memoir filled with humor, love and narrative flair. As Irene chronicles her healing journey from devastating loss to a renewed sense of inner strength, spiritual wisdom and passion for life following the death of her husband Saul, she also shares beautiful and important insights about healing both in heaven and on Earth

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Give Me a Sign!


Sometimes, when I’m faced with a big decision, I want a sign from the Universe that I’m moving in the right direction. I’ve learned through the years that the Universe will give you answers when you ask for them. Here are five ways that the Universe sends us messages and speaks to us.

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Join our Women As Game Changers Movement!


The Women As Game Changers network is a powerful response to having reached a tipping point where an untapped, unwavering, fierce feminine energy is rising. Rising to resist the closing of our borders, the closing of the EPA, the closing of affordable healthcare for our families, the closing of minds. Our core purpose is to engage, activate and support the women who have dedicated their lives and their labors to creating a peaceful, sustainable world for all. Through training’s, gatherings, collaborations, preservation, sustainability, equality and protection, Women As Game Changers is transforming the women who are transforming the world. If our purpose and mission resonates with you, join us as we come together in the Women As Game Changers training, conferences or webinar, and become a member of Women As Game Changers on our website and Facebook group.

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7 Inspiring Women Share the Best Advice They’ve Ever Received


Several of the women who appeared onstage at the sixth annual Women in the World Summit in April share the wisdom that has helped shape their lives.

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Discovering Wise Dreams


We can rely on the wisdom from spirit; all we need can be found within us. Receiving wisdom and guidance from within and through dreams will increase one’s sense of peace, one’s self-confidence and the ability to trust life. It will help us to evolve spiritually, and improve our sense of connection to each other, to nature and our planet, which so very much needs healing. I will go out and tell the people: That is how I plan to change the game! Becky Cleland wrote a book, including the dreams in her own dream journal that carried the most insight and wisdom or were special in some way, and explained in her book, her own discovery of dreams as carriers of wisdom and insight—the title is Wise Dreams: Subtle Messages from the Inner Self, published by Balboa Press in 2013.

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3 Ways We Empower Women Through Ethical Fashion


If you didn’t know, the majority of the apparel we wear is made by women in developing countries, in unpleasant and cruel environments. This is a reality. The good news is we can do something about it! With this perilous situation, there are vast amounts of potential for the fashion industry to empower and uplift women. But, it’s going to take a lot of work. What you can do about it? Educate yourself, shop ethically and empower designers.

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Women, Unleash Your Game Changer Within


We would like to invite you to a dynamic, provocative and soulful 1/2 day online with Devi Records and Carolyn Parrs called the Women Game Changers Boot Camp. If you are ready to take a leap within and get to know your true Game Changer for your important work of 2017, then come. Go to: www.womenasgamechangers.com to register. One thing is for sure, the game has changed. You will need to call forth your strengths and gifts more than ever. This boot camp is designed to help you do just that.

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