These Apps Are Pushing the Cosmetics Industry to Be More Transparent

The beauty and cosmetics industry is one of the biggest in the county. By 2023, it is expected to reach more than $805 billion. Such a big industry is constantly in the eyes of consumers, and those consumers are starting to demand more transparency from their beauty products.

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This 4th of July, skip the hot dog

This 4th of July, we Americans will consume 150 million hot dogs, “enough to stretch from DC to LA over five times,” says the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council. Yikes! An estimated 100 billion gallons of water and 70 million gallons of gas would be saved if everyone in the US just ate vegetarian for just one day. One day. So skip the pork and pile up the potato salad instead. For more eco tips on how to make this Independence Day lighter on the planet, and your palate, check out Huff Post’s Green July 4th.

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Mainstreaming green behaviors demands massive new approach

Do you have ideas about how to use purchasing power for sustainability and the way to take green spending habits mainstream? Please share them!

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Major Brands Say Consumers “Aren’t Ready” for Green

While seemingly every New York Times article about green products since the start of the recession has followed the same tired pattern (people say they want environmentally friendly products but never as much as they want to save a dollar twenty-five,) a few of the recent Green Blog pieces have unearthed some telling, and surprising, quotations.

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Letter to My Son, the Energy Engineer

Woman Of Green friend Phila Hoopes speaks below to her son, an energy engineer, about her hopes for renewable energy and the conflicting data coming in from all sides on the energy debate.

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When Do You Choose Green?

Manufacturers who have long aligned themselves with environmental causes, like Seventh Generation and Method, have rebounded better from the recession than the “green” lines of larger, more traditional manufacturers

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Moving Beyond the Untouchable Topic by Phila Hoopes

I believe that this is the key to real and lasting change, not on behalf of the planet, but in partnership with Spirit, the People, and the Earth, and that each of us is capable of that partnership.

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Women Fight for Solutions to Climate Change

Kathleen Rogers is the President of Earth Day Network, a non-profit that started the first ever Earth Day in 1970. The organization is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. She speaks here about the women who are leading the way on climate change.

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Why Women Business Owners and Sustainable Businesses Are a Powerful Combination

Both women-owned businesses and sustainable businesses are fairly new trends in business. Neither had an impact until perhaps the past 20 years, and weren’t even a consideration during the Industrial Revolution when many of our business practices were established. Now, however, they are both positioned to significantly change the way we do business in the 21st century.

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To Walk In Beauty: Excerpt from Moonrise, edited by Nina Simons with Anneke Campbell

I want my students to be removed from the terror of wanting something
different, to know that they belong on the planet, that they belong in their
bodies, that they’re here as precious beings for a purpose, to connect with
other beings and to remove the illusion of separation between us all. I want
them to know that it requires incredible discipline and perseverance and
imagination to create change.

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