Find Your Tribe, Grow Your Tribe, Love Your Tribe, then Market to Your Tribe


Building your tribe has everything to do with resonance and passion. And when that’s strong within you, you’ll see that the more you give, the more you’ll get back. Well if this resonates with you, and you want to know more on how to build your tribe and reach your ideal audience, you are invited to my free webinar: Find Your Tribe, Grow Your Tribe, Love Your Tribe, then Market to Your Tribe. Well if this resonates with you, and you want to know more on how to build your tribe and reach your ideal audience, you are invited to my free webinar: Find Your Tribe, Grow Your Tribe, Love Your Tribe, then Market to Your Tribe.

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ENCORE! The Art of Collaboration Recorded Webinar

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For those of you that couldn’t make it to Carolyn’s webinar, she is sharing her content-rich, first-hand knowledge and wisdom on how to create successful marketing collaborations for a limited time. In it, she offers a free, laser-focused Collaboration Kick Off Session.

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The Art of Collaboration Webinar Today!


There is nothing like finding the right partnerships and collaborations to expand your reach fast. If you do it right, you not only increase your influence dramatically but your income as well. Attend the Art of Collaboration webinar today to learn more!

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The Art of Collaboration Webinar: Creating Successful Marketing Partnerships to Expand Your Reach and Advance Your Vision

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Successful marketing collaborations can quickly move your movement light years ahead when you join forces through a shared vision. Join Carolyn Parrs next Wednesday in “The Art of Collaboration” webinar to learn how you can build successful marketing partnerships to expand your reach and advance your vision.

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5 Ways to Infuse Soul into your Brand


Want to keep your customers happy? Want to keep them coming back? Infuse some soul into your brand. What do I mean by soul? Seeing your customers as partners instead of someone to sell to. Becoming “one force with a common goal”. This mind-shift opens a whole new world for brands. This, in turn, helps you become meaningfully different in the marketplace. But remember, this is not a brand strategy or tactic, it’s a paradigm shift.

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We Are What We Eat

We are what our nation eats.

In the checkout line at the supermarket, do you look inside your shopping cart and wonder if you have enough fruits and veggies, or the right amount of carbohydrates? What about the cart in front of you in line? Do you judge their packages of red dye #40 hotdogs or sugar-coated Fruit Loops? If so, you are not alone.

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Caring, Green and the GDP: New Economics for Women

Imports. Exports. These are things we know well. We have whole retail chains dedicated to these ideas. As women, we have the buying power and our impact is measured in dollars and cents. But what if there were other ways to measure our impact? We keep the United States’ GDP up and running with our spending; we keep it wealthy. But what about other things that women contribute, such as our time taking care of those around us so, at times, others can be wage earners? What about the “services” the environment offers? Will that be counted as part of a nation’s wealth? The debate has been on for quite some time.

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Leading the Greening of Detroit — and what you can do in your own backyard.

I am the President of The Greening of Detroit, a 20-year old organization devoted to greening the City of Detroit through planting projects, environmental and outdoor education, advocacy and by building community capacity. We have our roots in planting things that make our city greener, but we have expanded our programming over the years to include education and job training, advocacy and capacity building for our community partners.

When they meet me, many people ask what motivated me to become a leader in Detroit’s green movement. I have to say that, when I started this career, I wasn’t really thinking about saving the world. In fact, it was a much more basic instinct.

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Winning Environmental Government Contracts – show 8

One of the most powerful ways to have a huge, positive impact on our planet today is through business. Paul Hawken, one of my favorite visionaries says, “Business is the only mechanism on the planet today powerful enough to produce the changes necessary to reverse environmental and social degradation.” With that in mind, I invited Judy Bradt, an expert on assisting business people, especially women, effectively win environmental business contracts from the US government. Did you know that 5% of all goverment contracts are earmarked for women business owners? But, each year only 3% are ever awarded. Judy wants to change that and tells us how on Women Of Green.

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The Non-toxic Life with Liberty Phoenix Lord – show 6

My guest today is one of the reasons this show exists. Liberty Phoenix Lord took a deeply painful experience, the loss of her baby, and started a green business so no other mother would have to ever experience what she did. Today, she is the owner of INDIGOGreen, the premier green building store in Gainesville, FL., that provides healthy products for homes and offices nationwide. Listen to her unbelievably moving story on Women Of Green Podcast.

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