Wind Farms and Bike Lanes? Not In My Neighbourhood

After two groups in a progressive area of Brooklyn, New York called aggressively for the removal of a 9 month old bike-lane this month, Elisabeth Rosenthal of the New York Times noted in an article in the Week In Review that “in Europe, bike lanes crisscross cities, wind turbines appear in counties with high-priced country homes and plants that make green energy from waste are situated in even the wealthiest neighborhoods.” What’s going on here?

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The War On Elizabeth Warren

We need to ask who’s instituting consumer protection standards and what they look like. We need to know who defines “organic” and “natural” and why and when some information is so hard to come by (hint: there’s always a reason).

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On the Unavoidable Emergence of Women’s Leadership

I love the word “green.” Like all good words, though, it has been co-opted by media hype, and now it carries some baggage. But that doesn’t mean we should throw it out. It signifies LIFE to me. Alice Walker said, “I feel that as long as the Earth can make a spring every year, I can; I won’t give up until the Earth gives up.”

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Can Western Women Save the World? The Dalai Lama Thinks So.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama made a stunning proclamation last year at a Peace Summit in Vancouver. He said, “The world will be saved by the western woman.” This statement shocked the audience and started a tsunami of responses in cyberspace. Can you imagine? Women saving the world?

After the initial elation I felt to hear such a highly respected male leader make such a statement, I thought to myself, duh, of course it will be women. We make 85% of the consumer purchases. We can save the world right now by what we buy – and don’t buy.

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Working Mother on a Mission – show 9

My guest today is a perfect example of this. Karen Ciesar is a successful business woman who owns Trillium Organics, makers of certified, organic personal care product since 1994. Her products sell in Whole Foods and in health stores around country. Deeply devoted and wildly vocal, Karen shares with us the truth about most personal care products on the market today — and the passions and pitfalls of being a working mother on a mission.

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