
A Day Without A Woman: A Look at Intersectionality

Within progressive circles, there is much debate about the women’s strike that was part of “A Day Without a Woman,” a nationwide protest held on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2017. In this video, made on the day of the event, I discuss the strike through the lens of intersectionality, recognizing the multifaceted identities of women and our diverse needs and challenges stemming from other intersecting forms of oppression.

A Day Without A Woman: A Look at Intersectionality from carolyn parrs on Vimeo.

Historically, women from a similar demographic to my own (white, upper-middle class, heterosexual, cisgender, able-bodied, free) have both unconsciously and intentionally excluded and rendered invisible women from other races, classes, sexual orientations, gender identities, physical abilities, and freedom statuses (i.e., free vs. incarcerated) in our feminist perspectives and activist efforts. Thus, I aim to bring awareness to how the women’s strike may affect women who are marginalized in our culture—those who do not share the privileges that women like myself benefit from on a daily basis. I also recognize women who have perished from or are currently struggling to survive domestic violence and other forms of violence against women.

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This Women of Green guest blog is by Lisa Blair, M.A. is a process-oriented psychotherapist, interdisciplinary artist and fine art photographer, activist and feminist focused on intersectionality, and co-publisher at Belly Song Press, a small independent publisher of nonfiction books on alternative paradigms in psychology, social justice, leadership, parenting, and critical thought. She is an adjunct faculty member at the Process Work Institute in Portland, OR and counsels people internationally and in person in Santa Fe, NM. www.lisablairma.com.


Relevant and Related Links:

Intersectional Feminism for Beginners

Who Speaks for Me?

One Billion Rising

Audre Lorde’s book Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches

Women of Green is TURNING UP THE VOLUME of the feminine voice on the planet in order to create the world we know is possible.

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