Iron Butterflies have chosen another path and redefine the meaning of power as power with and for others, evoking the world of working together. Largely off the radar screen, Iron Butterflies are midwifing a new era of cooperation and collaboration.
Continue reading... →I came up with the phrase “the art of living in balance” years and years ago when I launched Organic Style magazine. That phrase still guides me. So, when people ask me how I do it, I often can’t give them an easy answer because it’s just something I’ve been doing for so long. But since someone asked me just the other day, I’ll try to give an answer that you all can use in your own lives.
Continue reading... →Look at what you’re buying. Look at what your dollars are supporting. I challenge you to redefine clean and seek out eco-friendly, nontoxic, phosphate-free cleaning products that reduce your exposure to toxins and limit the amount of poison released into our air, soil and water.
Continue reading... →Kathleen Rogers is the President of Earth Day Network, a non-profit that started the first ever Earth Day in 1970. The organization is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. She speaks here about the women who are leading the way on climate change.
Continue reading... →The conscious emulation of life’s genius is a survival strategy for the human race, a path to a sustainable future. The more our world functions like the natural world, the more likely we are to endure on this home that is ours, but not ours alone.
Continue reading... →What’s enough success? Enough good deeds? Enough parenting? Enough creativity? Enough sex? Enough apps? Enough emails, tweets, texts? Vacations, clothes, shoes? In a world of unlimited possibilities, how do you know when to stop? How much is enough?
Continue reading... →I am asking you to get involved. I am inviting you, urging you, welcoming you to join the movement for a better future. There are an infinite number of forms your involvement can take and lots of groups to connect with for guidance and company along the way. The important thing is not which issue we choose to work on but that we each decide to do something. To get involved.
Continue reading... →Both women-owned businesses and sustainable businesses are fairly new trends in business. Neither had an impact until perhaps the past 20 years, and weren’t even a consideration during the Industrial Revolution when many of our business practices were established. Now, however, they are both positioned to significantly change the way we do business in the 21st century.
Continue reading... →Fast food may be a defining characteristic of our contemporary culture, but competition is brewing. The Slow Food Movement is hoping to change the trend towards the globalization of agricultural products with an emphasis on traditional and regional cuisine as well as the empowerment of small, independent farmers.
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