Lead Like a Girl: How to Empower Women at Every Level

What does it mean to do something “like a girl”?

A popular ad from Always tried to answer that question by asking subjects to demonstrate running, fighting, and throwing “like a girl.” Older subjects put on a weak performance, but when young girls were given the same instructions, they ran, threw, and fought as hard as they could. The ad asked, “When did doing something ‘like a girl’ become an insult?”

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Being an Environmental Optimist When Things Seem Bad


I wasn’t born an optimist. At least I don’t think so. Not sure what the balance of nature versus nurture is, but until my mid-20’s, I was one of those annoying people that had a knack for finding the worst-case scenario in every situation. There was a tectonic shift in my world-view not long after I made it through the quarter century mark. And I began what has been another quarter century plus challenge to retrain my neuropathways to seek out the positive in all situations. Most days, the glass is half full; some days my opinion on the status of the water in the glass is neutral; and occasionally, the glass is just dry (heavy sigh) — the plight of human existence? Here are 6 ways to be an environmental optimist despite the sometimes tragic and overwhelming news.

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Doctors Explain How Hiking Actually Changes Our Brains


While it may seem obvious that a good hike through a forest or up a mountain can cleanse your mind, body, and soul, science is now discovering that hiking can actually change your brain… for the better! Aside from the almost instant feeling of calm and contentment that accompanies time outdoors, hiking in nature can reduce rumination. Many of us often find ourselves consumed by negative thoughts, which takes us out of the enjoyment of the moment at best and leads us down a path to depression and anxiety at worst. But a recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that spending time in nature decreases these obsessive, negative thoughts by a significant margin.

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A Day Without A Woman: A Look at Intersectionality


Within progressive circles, there is much debate about the women’s strike that was part of “A Day Without a Woman,” a nationwide protest held on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2017. In this video, made on the day of the event, Lisa Blair discusses the strike through the lens of intersectionality, recognizing the multifaceted identities of women and our diverse needs and challenges stemming from other intersecting forms of oppression. Lisa Blair is a process-oriented psychotherapist, interdisciplinary artist and fine art photographer, activist and feminist focused on intersectionality.

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Join our Women As Game Changers Movement!


The Women As Game Changers network is a powerful response to having reached a tipping point where an untapped, unwavering, fierce feminine energy is rising. Rising to resist the closing of our borders, the closing of the EPA, the closing of affordable healthcare for our families, the closing of minds. Our core purpose is to engage, activate and support the women who have dedicated their lives and their labors to creating a peaceful, sustainable world for all. Through training’s, gatherings, collaborations, preservation, sustainability, equality and protection, Women As Game Changers is transforming the women who are transforming the world. If our purpose and mission resonates with you, join us as we come together in the Women As Game Changers training, conferences or webinar, and become a member of Women As Game Changers on our website and Facebook group.

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Meet the Women Who are Transforming the World

With great jubilee, as a gift to you I have put together highlights from my video interviews of Women Game Changers from my summit this year for you to savor through the holidays. These women have met it all. They’ve been bruised, banned and barred. And all the while, they’re committed, conscious and charismatic human beings that have put their lives and their labors on the line to make this world a better, more sustainable, more loving place.

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New Video Series Explores ‘Hidden Connections’ Between Climate Change and Child Marriage


“Hidden Connections,” a thought-provoking digital video series premiering today, explores one of the human consequences of climate change — specifically its little-known link to child marriage. TakePart, the digital division of Participant Media, and the Thomson Reuters Foundation teamed up to produce the three-part series, which gives an intimate look at the lives of two young girls living in Bangladesh.

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Million Women March being planned for January 21, 2017 in D.C.


On Friday, January 20 in Washington D.C., Donald Trump will be sworn in as the nation’s 45th president. The next day, a demonstration that aims to bring a million women and feminists to the nation’s capital will formally protest his inauguration as commander-in-chief. This march is a show of solidarity to demand our safety and health in a time when our country is marginalizing us and making sexual assault an electable and forgivable norm. EVERYONE who supports women’s rights are welcome.

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Is it a Gender Bender When It Comes to Sustainability?

Gender matters now more than ever in sustainability — not just for the sake of individual women, but for the prospects of the global economy, the environment and society at large. In developing countries, the focus is on forging more paths to self-sufficiency and better safeguards for women who do find financial opportunity in ever-expanding global supply chains.

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10 Characteristics of Confident Women


The Power Gap is the chasm between a person’s capabilities, and how they are perceived by others. All things in life start with who we are as human beings; we are the core of our own lives and everything we are impacts everything we do, Women more than men are taught to lessen themselves, developing this power gap. Learn the 10 characteristics of confident women and how to overcome the power gap.

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