Built Totally Green with Michaela Miller – show 32

On August 27, 2008, tropical storm Fay crisscrosses the state of Florida four times. It hits Jacksonville hard. The violent winds tore down trees and the rivers rose. It was a presidentially declared disaster. When the storm passes, MiKaela and Steve’s beautiful home was left in ruins. However, Mother Nature also left new opportunity. And it was green. This is a how the film “Built Totally Green” begins.

My guest today, Mikaela Miller and her husband, Steve Sadler, became leaders in the Green Building movement after losing their river front home during Tropical Storm Fay by fully deconstructed their old house and rebuilding it to become the 1st Platinum LEED certified home in NE Florida. Their film is a step-by-step account of their entire green building process and their very unique personal journey.

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Women in Sustainable Design with Kira Gould – show 31

Studies show that women are more likely then men to support environmental causes through voting, activism and consumer choices. I am going to sound like a broken record here but we buy 85% of the consumer products on the planet. We hold in our hands the economic power to change the world. My guest, Kira Gould, is doing just that. She is the co-author of “Women in Green: Voices of Sustainable Design” and her book is a poignant collection of stories and voices of women creating system-wide change in this movement.

In this show, we talk about the special qualities women have that make us prime candidates for carrying out what is needed on the planet today. Qualities such as consensus building and inclusiveness. Kira’s clear voice and grounded manner give me hope that what is needed now will be accomplished if we rally the forces of both women and men. How do we do that? According to Kira, “Keep communicating as frequent and effectively as possible about all the opportunities for ways to make change.”

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Ring the Bell with Mallika Dutt – show 30

For 30 years, Mallika Dutt has dedicated her life to human rights. What you will witness here are the fruits of her labor. Her organization’s current campaign to end domestic violence in India and the United States has reached over 130 million people so far. It’s message: Ring the Bell. A simple yet profound act of courage and compassion that everyone can do. And they are. Watch this video interview with Mallika and you’ll get sip of the great humility and devotion she exudes, and you will also see one of the video spots in this global campaign that is inspiring people to take bold action for dignity, equality, and justice — by ringing the bell.

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When Elizabeth Lindsey Speaks, People Quiet- Show 29

Two thousand people in the theatre and you could hear a pin drop when Elizabeth Lindsey floated onto the stage. When she spoke, the stillness deepened. I was so moved by her presence and message, I reached during my interview with her and held her hand. It was as natural as could be. When I think of her now as I write this, I take a deep breath and know we’re not alone. The ancestors are with us.

Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey, Ph.D., is the first female National Geographic Fellow. An award-winning filmmaker and anthropologist, she is also the first Polynesian explorer for the National Geographic Society. Lindsey’s commitment to the conservation of vanishing indigenous knowledge and tradition not only provides a cultural record for present and future generations, but also serves as the foundation for a global, digital repository, an initiative which she spearheads at the National Geographic Society.

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Powerhouse Women: Meet Gloria Feldt – show 28

I met Gloria Feldt at the Bioneers conference last week. What a powerhouse. Gloria is a nationally renowned activist and author whose passion for social justice has propelled her life’s work. Her new book, No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power, reveals why women are stuck at 18% of top leadership roles and shows how women can redefine power, lead themselves with intention, and reach parity from the boardroom to the bedroom for good. In my video interview, Gloria talks about how women have enormous influence in the world today — and that we can use that power if we have the ability to see it and the strength to use it. The time is now, women. Here are some ways we can do it:

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Marcal’s big leap with Small Steps – show 27

Did you know 98% of household paper goods are still made by cutting down trees. That means your paper towels, your paper napkins, your toilet paper. All of these are made from 98% virgin fiber from freshly killed trees!. It’s a shame in today’s world of environmental advances that these kind of practices are still taking place. But they are. And it’s time we get informed, women. We make the majority of purchases in the household. We can turn that all around by just not buying into those products.

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Can Western Women Save the World? Santa Feans Speak! – show 26

I went to the Santa Fe Farmers Market and asked shoppers what they thought about the Dalai Lama’s bold statement, “The world will be saved by the western women.” This show is a montage of responses from both women and men. I wonder what would happen if I asked this around the country? What would women say in Boston? What would the men say in Lexington, Kentucky? In Boise, Detroit, Amarillo?

We really want to know what you think. Go ahead and put your response and city location in the comment box below to: Can western women save the world? If you want my 2 cents, here it is.

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Women Rock at the Women in Green Forum – show 25

The Dalai Lama said last year in Vancouver that western women will save the world. I think most of them were at the Women in Green Forum in Pasadena earlier this month. A two-day conference and networking gala filled with women on the forefront of the green movement. I was fortunate to be there and in good, no great, company.

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We Were Made For These Times – show 24

This show is different from any other show I have produced so far. What you are about to hear are words of Clarissa Pinkola Estés’ “You Were Made For This”. A powerful poem spoken by 22 powerful women leaders from diverse cultures, ages and backgrounds. Each of them in their own unique way have dedicated their lives and labors to changing, healing and nourishing the world for the benefit of all.

This show takes place at the Ocamora Retreat Center in New Mexico. For one rich, glorious week, all 22 of us were in the caldron of community made possible by two extraordinary women leaders, Nina Simons and Toby Herzlich for their Cultivating Women’s Leadership Program. This is where this podcast was born. May the words and wisdom of these women bless you as they have blessed me. Warning: You might want to get a tissue before you play this.

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Kids vs Global Warming – show 23

Move over Al Gore, here comes Alec Loorz. My first (and not last) guy on Women Of Green. At the age of 12, Alec founded Kids vs Global Warming after watching Al Gore’s movie, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Feeling the weight of the global situation and a sense that he could make a difference, Alec felt compelled to tell other kids about the problems we are facing and created a presentation made specifically for youth, full of videos, animation, easy-to-understand science, and compelling motivation for youths from Kindergarten to college age.

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