Over 100,000 Sign 16-Year-Old’s Petition Urging Clinton, Trump to End U.S. Fossil Fuel Use by 2026


16-year-old climate activist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez is petitioning the 2016 U.S. presidential candidates to take a strong stance on ending climate change. In a Care2 petition and a corresponding video letter, Martinez is urging the candidates to pledge to end fossil fuel use in the U.S. by 2026. The petition attracted over 100,000 signatures in its first week online.

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Arctic Communities Turn Climate Challenges into Advantages


The impact of climate change on Arctic communities is so great that it limits their ability to adapt, or at least that’s what has long been assumed. But according to a recent study in Nature Climate Change, it’s non-climatic factors that obstruct adaptation. For those communities who struggle with adapting, the hurdles they face are unrelated to climate change. Instead, outside pressures, such as outdated land management practices, bureaucratic regulatory processes, limited education and marginalization curb the ability of these communities to adapt to the effects of climate change.

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Make Sustainability Part of Your Summer Travels


In the past, the term “sustainable” was associated with being environmentally responsible, or “green.” But it has since become a term used to refer to change in all aspects of business and life so that both can continue. How can you become a sustainable tourist, you might ask? Whether you stay home and become a local tourist, or you travel to another state or country, there are several easy ways to make your trip more sustainable.

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Congress Strengthens Toxic Substances Control Act in Rare Bipartisan, Pro-Environment Move


According to the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), a bill that will strengthen the Toxic Substances Control Act, passed the Senate and is expected to be signed into law by President Barack Obama soon. It is the first major environmental legislation in over two decades to move forward to this point.

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How Climate Change Will Impact the Global Middle Class


The middle class, which is “fundamental to social stability and economic growth” with real clout, will be threatened by climate change in the near future as the majority live in urban cities, many of which are located on coastlines exposed to climate risks,.

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How Student-Run School Gardens Are Gaining Ground as a Teaching Tool


Student-run vegetable and herb gardens are an “entry point” to enjoying school more and diving deeper into subjects. Studies have also indicated that children who grow their own food are more likely to eat fresh fruits and vegetables; additionally, research shows links between gardening and higher student achievement in science. Here are many organizations that encourage schools around the world in supporting students in cultivating gardens.

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Holiday Projects: 14 DIY Eco-Friendly Ornaments

DIY Eco-friendly Crafts

Skip the big box stores this year and create your own holiday crafts like these DIY eco-friendly holiday decorating projects! I think it goes without saying that we love DIY holiday ornaments around here. Not only do we have the satisfaction of being crafty, but we also love the fact that our ornaments are made from eco-friendly and/or recycled materials. Plus, rather than spendings tons of money on ornaments at big box stores, you can easily make your own! Here are 14 DIY ornaments to get you inspired: 1. Make a Recycled Gift Tag and Ornament — Want to include an ornament with each handmade gift you make this year? Make an ornament that can also double as a gift tag! 2. Create an Adorable Scrabble Ornament — Last week I created this scrabble ornament over at Feel Good Style. Not only are they oh-so-cute, but they’re super easy to make as well. 3. Button Wreath Ornament — Do you have some vintage buttons in your craft stash? Put them to good use with this button wreath ornament tutorial! 4. Upcycle Unused CDs into Mosaic-Style Ornaments — As the iPod generation, we’re all bound to have some unused CDs. Give them new life by […]

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Atomic Moms, Radium Girls, and Hiroshima Maidens: Part 1

August 6, 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on a human population, specifically the people of Hiroshima, Japan. As a commemorative series, Women Of Green is taking a look back at the impact of nuclear war on the lives of women. This is the first post in the series. Mothers and Daughters Reflect on the Bomb In looking at the effects of nuclear weapons on mothers and daughters, the documentary film, Atomic Mom makes clear not only the past and effects, but also a way forward. In addition, filmmaker M.T. Silva has created Momisodes, a web series of Atomic Mom where mothers and daughters share thoughts on peace, and you can contribute your own ‘momisode’ to the series. The Film: Two decades after the end of the Cold War, the U.S. President claimed it was a particular mission for his administration to reduce the numbers of weapons on the planet, and to secure those weapons and materials that remain. The importance of this mission is too often forgotten in the current century—except when politicians raise the specter of scary nations who might have or attain weapons, like North Korea or Iran, or scary, […]

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How to Raise Brave Girls

How To Raise Brave Girls

If you have a daughter, there’s nothing more important you can do to enable her to thrive in life than helping her grow into the bravest version of the woman she has it in her to be. Here’s How.

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Are you a green parent? Green Mama shows you how – show 47

For me, hands down, the biggest “going green” motivator was having a baby. From the moment I found out that I was pregnant, I watched what I put in my mouth like a hawk. Not to say that I didn’t cheat now and then – sneaking a really greasy French fry when no one was looking, but basically I knew whatever I put in my body, I put in my baby.

At that time, “going green” wasn’t the rage it is today, so I didn’t have all the resources parents have at their fingertips now. That’s good news for parents. I think the challenge today is how NOT to get overwhelmed by it all. Here to help parents with that is Manda Aufochs Gillespie otherwise known as The Green Mama. She is the creator of TheGreenMama.com in Vancouver, Canada. A resource to inspire greener living for mamas and papas. She has put together the ten most effective green parenting habits for 2011. Listen up and see where you stand.

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